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Bathroom out of order

Tay , Manuela
Duration 33 minutes
Quality 4K
Category Farting
Date Jan 15, 2020


Tay urgently needs to use the bathroom, but Manuela soon announces that it is out of order. Desperate, the brunette finds a quick solution: the redhead will be her bathroom. Frightened, Manuela obeys Tay and puts her mouth wide open toward her ass, where her worst punishment comes from... Rotten farts! Tay's gut is so full of gases that any movements she makes or little power she puts on it make they come out looking like a symphony. Noisy and long, they disturb Manuela, who is imposed to inhale and swallow them one by one, making it clear from her expressions that it is almost unbearable to handle that sewage smell. Tay must be spoiled inside, huh?

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Aug 25, 2020

Please more of Melissa wath tay Lesbian she is amazing Please more of Melissa wath tay farting and kissing


May 24, 2020

GREAT video! More of Manuela as the fart slave please!


Jan 11, 2020

YES! Soooo hot! Love seeing Manuela get farted on like this!


Jan 10, 2020

We missed long,strong, loudly farts. Her worked like a gas machine. I really need to congratulate her. Great performance. Thank you very much

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