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Disgusting as your food

Agatha Moreno , Luana
Duration 31 minutes
Quality HD
Category Farting
Date Jun 14, 2019


Agatha can’t stand the pain in her belly anymore, it feels like the gases have taken care of all her gut! The room is stinking with so many gases she's letting go, and all this is because of the disgusting food her slave has prepared for lunch. So Agatha calls Luana and demands an explanation of what was put in the food, but the slave doesn’t reveal it and Agatha then decides to punish her for it, so that it will never happen again. With her head between the domme's two legs, Luana is imposed to feel the rotten scent of all the gases coming out of her ass in various positions until all the pain she is feeling goes away with all the farts! Punishment given with success!

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